

Air it Out

As we may have already mentioned, it is SUPER important to keep your yurt dry and well-ventilated. Regularly allowing a good cross-breeze to flow through the yurt via the toono, windows, and door or by lifting the bottom covers will help keep everything smelling fresh. 

Light Up a Fire

Humidity can create unpleasant smells in the yurt. When the felts absorb too much humidity, a smell will become apparent. Lighting a fire via the wood stove will help dry things out.


The Power of Plants 

Plants are a wonderful and natural way to freshen any space. You can sprinkle flowers in little woven baskets throughout the yurt to improve air quality and aroma. Plants such as snake plants, peace lilies, golden pothos and aloe vera all help to improve air quality while also absorbing unpleasant odors. 

Quick Fix

Candles, essential oils and incense can also cover up unwanted  smells. They will not, however, address the root of the problem. Glade can also be a lifesaver and does destroy ions that are responsible for bad odor.